Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas (Pty) Ltd T/A Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas is a Franchise of the Chas Everitt International Property Group. Registered with the PPRA
Piet often gets told that he is a great cook! And any of Piet's friends will attest to this. He'll tell you that his love for cooking was born from necessity, during a time when he was a single farmer, and the easiest meal to cook was a stew. It is still Piet's favourite kind of food with "Waterblommetjie bredie" and "Tamatie bredie" at the top of the list. In close third place is plain rice, meat and potatoes using sheep's neck, along with a tomato and onion salad. Simple yet delicious! Our home is unrivalled to any other, even compared to the most sought-after countries Cape Agulhas is the best. The most precious time for me is early morning when everything is still quiet and peaceful. I really enjoy angling but don't get nearly enough time to practice this hobby. Piet is a solid person with life-long friendship.
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2021 Q1
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2020 Q3
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Piet Van Wyk has consistently shown a high level of dedication and expertise in the real estate industry, resulting in numerous awards and accolades over the years.From prestigious industry awards to internal recognition for outstanding performance, Piet Van Wyk has rightfully earned a reputation for excellence.
If you have a specific question you want answered, send us a message using the contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to connecting!
"Ek probeer al 7 jaar my erf in L' Agulhas Privaat Natuurreservaat verkoop, maar sonder sukses. Einde September 2017 het ek besluit om 'n eksklusiewe mandaat met Piet van Wyk en sy span te teken. Binne 3 maande het ek twee aanbiedinge op die erf gekry en teen einde Januarie 2018 is die laaste aanbod aanvaar en die erf is verkoop. Die Span het my ondersteun met al die administrasie om die verkoop proses en selfs as tussenganger op getree met Agulhas Munisipaliteit om al die belastings ens. uit te sorteer. Alles het seepglad verloop en begin April was die verkoop afgehandel en die geld in my bank. Baie dankie vir julle uitmutende diens."- VerkoperÂ
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Johannes May
"Die afgelope paar jaar het ek en Piet nou saamgewerk om my erf te verkoop. Op gereelde basis het Piet my geskakel met terugvoering oor die verkoop van erwe en kon ek hom enige tyd skakel wanneer ek inligting benodig het. Piet en almal rondom hom was altyd positief, vriendelik en opgeruimd en was dit altyd 'n voorreg om met hulle te deel. Ek wil vir Piet en sy span bedank vir hulle toegewyde diens."
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Eugene Grobler
"I purchased a property a year ago for investment purposes and ended up selling it a lot sooner than expected. I received a good offer through Chas Everitt and sold the property for a profit. The whole transaction from start to finish was handled very professionally with Piet van Wyk and went very smoothly. I would like to thank your company for the excellent service and would recommend you business to anyone looking to buy or sell their property."
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James Robinson
"Hiermee wil ek net aan Chas Everitt en Piet van Wyk baie dankie sê vir julle flinke en professionele diens met die onlangse aankoop van my erf te Struisbaai. Dit was voorwaar 'n plesier om net julle besigheid te kon doen. Ek het die vrymoedigheid om julle besigheid, enige tyd, aan enige iemand aan te beveel. Baie seën en sterkte vir julle om nog sommer baie jare besigheid te kan doen."
Johan Nel 082 566 6588 - Koper
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Johan Nel
"Piet van Wyk provided me with excellent service during the sale of my plot in Agulhas. I was regularly kept informed with regard to the status of general sales in the area. At the sale of my plot the process was managed very efficiently by Piet van Wyk and the team."Â - Seller
Beatrix Brink
"My wife and I would like to express our sincerest and deepest appreciation to Chas Everitt, Struisbaai for their help as we are now the new owners of a property in Struisbaai. Piet was instrumental in the success of our application and had the patience and commitment to see our application succeed. Chas Everitt as a whole were very professional and we would have used Chas Everitt in any event as we've become very familiar and would like to think gained new friends. Again please accept our sincere appreciation and thanks for making our dream of building a new future in struisbaai a realty."
Ronald Ackerberg - 074 145 9282 - Buyer
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R Ackerberg
"Dit was besonder aangenaam om besigheid te doen met Piet van Wyk by Chas Everitt in Struisbaai. Ek en my vrou het vakansie gehou in Agulhas gedurende Augustus 2019. Ons het verlief geraak op die omgewing en het Piet se naam en telefoonnommer op een van die advertensie borde by 'n leë erf gesien. Ek het die nommer geskakel en Piet het dadelik geantwoord. Hy was baie vriendelik en dadelik gereed om ons te help. Hy het uit sy pad gegaan om ons te akkommodeer en het aan ons baie profesionele raad gegee wat ons instaat gestel het om 'n uitstekende en ingeligte besluit te neem. Hy het aan ons beskikbare erwe gaan wys. Hy het 'n paar vrae gevra en onmiddellik geweet waarna ons soek. Die tweede erf wat hy aan ons gewys het was presies wat ons in gedagte gehad het. Hy het onmiddellik die nodige reëlings getref met die eienaar en die volgende dag reeds was die transaksie gefinaliseer. Ons wil graag vir Piet by Struisbaai baie dankie sê omdat hulle absoluut uit hulle pad uit gegaan het om ons te help met hierdie transaksie. Ons sal die personeel van Struisbaai Chas Everitt altyd aanbeveel aan almal wat mag belangstel in 'n eiendomstransaksie in Struisbaai of Agulhas. Nogmaals baie dankie vir alles."
Frans en Magdel Britz 072 848 3274 - Koper
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Frans en Magdel Britz
"Ek het onlangs 'n stranderf in Suiderstrand verkoop. Die alleenmandaat was toegeken gewees aan Chas Everitt Struisbaai met die verantwoordelike persoon, Mnr Piet van Wyk. Te midde van ongelukkigheid oor 'n wye front oor gebrekkige dienslewering, is daar groot waardering vir die professionele en gemaklike wyse waarop Mnr van Wyk my oor die afgelope 10 jaar op hoogte gehou het van gebeure in en rondom Suiderstrand asook resente markneigings. Ek kan derhalwe Chas Everitt Struisbaai met groot vrymoedigheid aanbeveel vir enige soortgelyke kooptransaksies."
Dr. Jan Olivier 082 524 7327 - Verkoper
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Dr Jan Olivier
"Ons ken vir Piet en Strepies al baie lank. Ons besit al vanaf 1981 af eiendomme op Agulhas. Die diens wat ons by hulle gekry het was altyd van hoogstaande gehalte en baie professioneel. Nogmaals baie dankie vir als met die verkoop van ons erf."
Chris & Louna Pretorius 082 711 4062 - Verkoper
Chris & Louna Pretorius
" I recently bought a plot in Agulhas through your agent, Piet van Wyk. The service received during the transaction was of outstanding quality. After sales service during the transfer process was most helpful and supportive together with the transferring attorneys. I was kept in the loop the whole time. Keep up the good work!"
Stephen le Roux 082 300 4184 - Buyer
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S Le Roux
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Piet often gets told that he is a great cook! And any of Piet's friends will attest to this. He'll tell you that his love for cooking was born from necessity, during a time when he was a single farmer, and the easiest meal to cook was a stew. It is still Piet's favourite kind of food with "Waterblommetjie bredie" and "Tamatie bredie" at the top of the list. In close third place is plain rice, meat and potatoes using sheep's neck, along with a tomato and onion salad. Simple yet delicious! Our home is unrivalled to any other, even compared to the most sought-after countries Cape Agulhas is the best. The most precious time for me is early morning when everything is still quiet and peaceful. I really enjoy angling but don't get nearly enough time to practice this hobby. Piet is a solid person with life-long friendship.
Piet Van Wyk has consistently shown a high level of dedication and expertise in the real estate industry, resulting in numerous awards and accolades over the years.From prestigious industry awards to internal recognition for outstanding performance, Piet Van Wyk has rightfully earned a reputation for excellence.
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