Collaboration: The culture we promote amongst our agents

Category News

When Charles (Chas) and Tilla Everitt started Chas Everitt International in 1980, they imbued the agency with a clear set of morals and values. At our very core, we're a family business. The wonderful thing about families? They support each other through thick and thin.

It might sound like lip service. But the truth is evident in the feedback we receive. When agents have joined us from other agencies, they are shocked to see and feel the genuine spirit of collaboration and trust between Chas Everitt employees.

You might be wondering to yourself, "That's great for culture, but if I help my colleagues seal deals, they're going to get all the business, and I'll be left with no clients or leads, right?"
Abundance leads to more abundance
Let's play out a hypothetical situation to answer your question. 

John and Susan are Chas Everitt estate agents in a specific area. John's doing incredibly well. The clients are rolling in, and his days are incredibly busy. One day, somebody calls him and asks if he can take on a new client. He knows deep down that he has no more capacity.

He has two choices. He can refuse the new client and leave it at that. Or, he can say "I'm too busy to take on a new client, but let me recommend my highly capable colleague, Susan".

At Chas Everitt, where collaboration is expected and appreciated, John knows that by helping Susan with new leads, it will foster a sense of trust and openness between himself and Susan. In the future, when business gets quiet for John, Susan will make sure to look out for new leads that John can pursue.

An abundance of trust and care for each other leads to an abundance of business opportunities. The more people you have looking out for you and wanting to help you grow your career, the more likely you are to get new clients and sign deals.
It goes beyond just getting new clients
Collaboration is more than just sharing leads with each other. It's a mindset of "How can I help my colleagues become more empowered, better educated, improve their interactions with clients, enjoy their job more, gain further qualifications in the field, etc."

A workplace that thrives on positive energy, on bettering each other, becomes a place that people are excited to go to every day. It's a wonderful cycle that feeds itself. A healthy workplace is a workplace that more people apply to work in.
An open-door policy opens new possibilities for growth
At every level of leadership throughout our company, an open-door policy is encouraged and supported.

It fosters accessibility, improves communication channels, allows for a quicker flow of information, and builds closer relationships between managers and employees. By providing direct access to leadership, even the most junior of agents are given precious opportunities to learn from those with years of experience in the industry.
You'll learn from the world's best
Through our affiliation with LeadingRE, Chas Everitt agents can also join in regional sessions to maximise their global reach and get exposure to international best practices.
Join an estate agency that wants you to succeed
Your growth is our top priority. We're not just saying that. When you join Chas Everitt, you're joining a family that will care for you and your career growth.

You'll be left wondering why you only joined us now.

Switch to Chas Everitt today.

Author: Chas Everitt

Submitted 13 Jun 24 / Views 673